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Here you can find useful information in order to contribute to our Foundation:

Saving Account in BANCOLOMBIA No. 8101-52750-49
In the name of FUNDACION ALZHEIMER Nit. 805.010.463-1
If you prefer to contribute through an allocation in any office in the country.

To make an Electronic Bank Transfer, you can register your account. Here are the instructions for each bank:

BANCO DE BOGOTA: Fill in a form in the bank's offices in order to register.

BANCOLOMBIA: Fill in a form in the bank's offices in order to register. It may also be done through an ATM without registering the account.


  1. Go to www.bancodeoccidente.com.co.
  2. Select the option 'Ingresar', located in the 'Transacciones/Personas' module.
  3. Select 'Inscripción en Línea' option.
  4. Fill in the basic and security information required.
  5. Create your user and a password.
BANCO DAVIVIENDA: Fill in a form in the bank's offices in order to register.
BANCO CAJA SOCIAL: Fill in a form in the bank's offices in order to register.

BANCO BBVA: Fill in a form in the bank's offices in order to register.

BANCO AV VILLAS: Fill in a form in the bank's offices in order to register.

You can go to any bank's office where you have an account and register the destination account from the destination bank.

to  transfer money through different bank accounts using 'Mi Banco Online':
  1. Connect to 'Banca por Internet'.
  2. In the left sidebar, under 'Transferencias', click on 'Hacer transferencia'.
  3. Choose the transfer among the Transferencias Frecuentes or in Transferencias entre otras Cuentas. Select FROM: ACCOUNT, TO: ACCOUNT, DATE, AMOUNT and FREQUENCY.
  4. Press 'Continuar'.
  5. The page will ask to verufy the information, then press 'Transferir'.
When the transfer is completed, you will recieve a notice with the reference number.

Therapeutic Center for the Memory

Administrative Headquarter

External Consultation

AV. 8 Norte No. 24AN - 07

Barrio Santa Mónica

Cali - Colombia

Daycare and Residence Center.

Cra. 2A Oeste No. 5A -45

Barrio Arboleda

Cali - Colombia


+57 (2) 892-6118

+57 (2) 892-6112

Daycare Center

+57 (2) 893-1049
